Sugar Glider, Cute Marsupilami From Mainland Australia And Papua

Sugar gliders are tame animals. You can make him a pet. The uniqueness of this sugar glider is that it can memorize the owner’s body odor and is easy to take everywhere. If you want to speed up the sugar glider’s sensitivity to its owner, you can simply put your used clothes around the cage and let the sugar glider memorize the owner’s smell. However, sugar gliders are animals that are difficult to train to defecate in place. Avoid this sugar glider from noisy places and exposed to direct sunlight because these animals are sensitive to glare light stimuli and are surprised when they hear noise.
Sugar glider animals are very cute, adorable, funny and smart, it’s no wonder now many people want the adoption of these tiny animals. Make no mistake sugar gliders are not rodents, they are marsupials from the mammal family such as kangaroos, and koalas. This animal is suitable for all ages as a pet, it can be for children aged 6 years and older, but for children there must always be adult supervision.
Sugar gliders have a greater potential for bonding with their owners than gerbils or hamsters. Consider the age of sugar gliders to begin with. Their native habitat is in Australia and Papua, they are social animals, live in groups of 10 to 15 individuals, making the bonding process with Humans are very natural as pets. The life span of a sugar glider is 12-15 years. The most favorite thing about this … Read More